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At Studio Kaleidospace, we strive to create spaces that are both functional and visually stunning. Like a kaleidoscope, we principle to Create symmetry from chaos, where one space stems infinite possibilities.

Our spaces are an amalgamation of design and perspective.


Founded in 2019 as a multi-disciplinary architecture and interior design studio to question all aspects of design, thereby determined to work through the issues related to realization of a design intention. 

Daphne D’souza  pursued her Bachelor’s in Interior Design at the esteemed alma mater CEPT University (Centre for Environmental Planning and Technology), Ahmedabad. She was there after mentored by some of the best in the industry like Bijoy Ramachandran from Hundred Hands , Bangalore and continued her professional journey with renowned design studios in Chennai. She then founded Studio Kaleidospace in 2019 with the intent of creating  spatial “storytelling” and enjoys the problem-solving challenges that complex design projects provide. 

Nirali Bathia received her bachelors in Architecture with a specialisation in Interior Design from JNAFAU, Hyderabad. She then had the opportunity to gain experience from leading design firms like Siraj and Renu & Simple Minds (Mr Vinod Bachala) in Hyderabad. Her expertise in boutique kids interior spaces at Peekaboo Interiors, Chennai, fuelled her skillset to a rigorous approach to project management. 

These two powerhouses got together with a mutual belief that both architecture and design are a fusion of form & function, intuition and discipline , empathy and method , imagination and materiality. Both of them bring to each project their distinctive understanding of spaces and their unerring eye for detail. Their design philosophy is driven by deep respect for craftsmanship and context. Having worked on a wide range of projects, the duo have together acquired the expertise to provide architecture and design solutions for both residential and commercial projects.


At Studio Kaleidospace, we would love to hear from you. Whether you have a question about our services, or just want to say hello, we are always here to help. Feel free to get in touch with us using the information below.



Tel: +91-988-032-5352; +91- 988-465-7896


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